As it did for many organisations, business at Healthcare Skills changed radically in 2020 as the pandemic bit – a year’s worth of future planning – already scheduled face-to-face courses – was shelved while we rapidly moved to online training platforms and created our ‘virtual classroom’. It took some getting used to – we needed to adapt course content while preserving the feedback and coaching elements so valued in face-to-face training. While accepting that some of the spontaneity of a ‘real’ classroom would be lost, by using innovative technology and online platform-functions like virtual breakout-rooms and the virtual ‘white-board’ when training, with the support of our Learning Management System, the advantages of training in the ‘virtual’ world emerged – training was ‘greener’ because there was minimal travel and accommodation for faculty and trainees. This led to lower costs for commissioning organisations, and breaking down geographical barriers – we can now reach everywhere on earth in our quest to improve post-graduate training for healthcare professionals and those in industry that support us. Returning to work in the office has signalled a post-pandemic re-set, and we all feel much better for it.
Tel: +44 (0) 141 946 6482
Address: Healthcare Skills Training International Ltd
West of Scotland Science Park
Block 7, Kelvin Campus
Glasgow G20 0SP