IT is with sadness that we at HC Skills mark the passing of our good friend and National Data Guardian for Health and Social Care Dame Fiona Caldicott, who died on February 15, 2021.

The principles she espoused held so true in the environment we operate in – possibly even more so now in a COVID-19-dominated world.

She was committed to doing her best for patients, was well respected by her peers and modest too – making her a hugely popular figure.

Dame Fiona was at the forefront of information governance but did not pontificate, and she exercised fine judgement, based on a keen understanding of the steps needed to protect patients and to build public trust.

A touching and comprehensive tribute to her has been posted on the website here.






Tel: +44 (0) 141 946 6482

Address: Healthcare Skills Training International Ltd
West of Scotland Science Park
Block 7, Kelvin Campus
Glasgow G20 0SP