HC Skills International are committed to the highest professional standards in the medical and healthcare industry through fast, focused training that provides qualifications for life.
The Theatre Access qualification , which is officially recognised as a National Occupational Standard, is accepted by all credentiallers (Intellicentrics, Life Science Industry, MIA).
They need only be refreshed by way of reaccreditation every two years through Continuing Professional Development. The cost of this is only £40.
The NOS status has been mapped to the HC Skills’ Hospital Theatre Access and Hospital Access training programmes, which are tailored to employees of medical device companies who are required to be present in clinical areas – including operating theatres – to provide technical support and expertise to medical teams
HC Skills are an approved education institution delivering a comprehensive range of online and classroom-based externally validated, competence-based qualifications to the healthcare industry and medical profession.
Our courses are delivered by experts with the defining knowledge and experience in their fields. They are qualifications for life and it is recommended that if you are in practice, CPD/re accreditation should be carried out every two years.
Our success as an education institution delivering externally regulated and quality assured short-course qualifications is renowned.
HC Skills’ Hospital Theatre Access qualification is also recognised by the National Health Service through the NHS Improvement website.
We believe that it is the responsibility of training providers to provide employees of the healthcare industry and medical profession with the defining knowledge and qualifications that meet both employers’ liability and hospital standards.
Provided the training meets officially recognised standards, resulting in independently awarded qualifications, hospitals can be assured that the requirements of their medical teams, the legal standing of the boards and trusts and the safety of patients are protected and guaranteed.
HC Skills are internationally renowned training providers who offer online and “live” face-to-face learning programmes that lead to officially recognised qualifications that are essential for those wishing to obtain a Life Science Industry (LSI) National Credentialing Register or Intellicentrics ID card.
E-mail: office@healthcareskills.com
Tel: +44 (0) 141 946 6482
Address: Healthcare Skills Training International Ltd
West of Scotland Science Park
Block 7, Kelvin Campus
Glasgow G20 0SP