WHETHER you are a clinician with a teaching role as part of your professional responsibility or an employee of a medical device company who has a responsibility to provide support to clinical teams, our courses provide the additional skills for professional development in these respective roles.

All HC Skills International learning programmes are tailored to the PD requirements of those undertaking them and they conform to their respective professional disciplines and specialties.

Furthermore, our courses are delivered by experts with the defining knowledge and experience in their fields.

Our success as an education institution delivering externally regulated and quality assured short course qualifications is recognised.

How do we do this? For example, how can we deliver a Postgraduate Diploma learning programme over a short period of time?

The answer lies in the level of entry to our courses. Delegates registering for our short-course qualifications are professionals who have Accredited Prior Learning (APL) or Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) evidence that is verifiable, at degree level or above.

The PGDip in Clinical Education, for example, has been approved by EduQual as being commensurate with Level 7 (Postgraduate) Qualifications in the United Kingdom.

This course is a vocational qualification and is open only to those who have recognised prior learning in their specialty and have a responsibility for support or training i.e. a medical, nursing or healthcare-related degree.

All our qualifications are externally quality assured and awarded by EduQual. They are recognised by SQA-Accreditation, the national regulator for qualifications in Scotland.

Eduqual qualifications consist of Awards, Certificates and Diplomas – each with a Total Qualification Time in learning hours of 120 hours, 121-369 hours and 370-plus hours respectively. These hours take in to account the APL and RPL.

HC Skills International is a fully registered and accredited training institution delivering sector-leading courses and officially recognised and externally regulated qualifications to medical professionals and to healthcare industry employees who are required to interact with them.

With HCS, every day is a school day.



E-mail: office@healthcareskills.com

Tel: +44 (0) 141 946 6482

Address: Healthcare Skills Training International Ltd
West of Scotland Science Park
Block 7, Kelvin Campus
Glasgow G20 0SP