Develop the knowledge and skills which hospital management expect of medical device industry personnel entering, assisting and providing verbal / technical input within clinical areas

Take £50 off the next Award in Access to Operating Theatres SCQF Level 8, RQF Level 5 (LSI Tiers 1, 2, 3)
(Virtual on-line classroom Course, with 360 technology to bridge the gap between face-to-face and online training)
with Healthcare Skills Training International

26 - 27 July, 2021 on Zoom!

USE CODE: TA50 at checkout

This Award in Access to Operating Theatres is SCQF Level 8 (RQF Level 5, LSI Tier 3 – includes Tiers 1 and 2) qualification is also aligned with National Occupational Standards. It is valid for all credentialing schemes, including IntelliCentrics, MIA/LSI

Healthcare Skills International are providers of the
Award in Access to Operating Theatres (SCQF Level 8). It is a  Qualification for Life and aligned with National Occupational Standards.

Course outcomes

  • Bridging the gap between face-to-face and online courses, train in comfort in our virtual classroom. Tour a theatre suite using our 360 virtual technology
  • Accepted and recognised by all credentialing schemes and registers including LSI/MIA and IntelliCentrics
  • An understanding of what constitutes Best Practice and key skills in a clinical environment including infection control (Blood borne pathogens) PPE and Standard Precautions
  • A firm grasp of legal obligations in hospital and clinical settings
  • An ability to support the expectations of members of the clinical team
  • The acquisition of skills that will help to improve training approaches and skills to maximise clinical output and safe patient outcomes
  • An understanding of detailed regulatory requirements, implications of medical device legislation and legal requirements for industry and
    codes of practice
  • The potential to develop skill sets to a level of medical device formal/corporate sign-off
  • An understanding of legal obligations relating to the sale of and correct patient use of medical devices and required reporting/record-taking

Zoom from any device wherever you are

This qualification is delivered virtually, through presentations, structured delegate participation, and clinical skills sessions administered and facilitated by clinical educators in an online group setting.

About healthcare skills training international

Fast focussed short courses

It has never been easier to further your education and accelerate your professional development



Tel: +44 (0) 141 946 6482

Address: Healthcare Skills Training International Ltd
West of Scotland Science Park
Block 7, Kelvin Campus
Glasgow G20 0SP