Re-accreditation: Award in Access to Hospitals Qualification (SCQF Level 6)

Online Healthcare Training Courses

Courses for the Healthcare Industry

Course Organiser - Healthcare Skills Training International
Location - Online
Course summary

The Award in Access to Hospitals Qualification (SCQF Level 6) course develops the knowledge and skills which hospital management require of anyone whose role takes them into hospitals. This course is for individuals who are required to be in care areas, but not critical care areas or anywhere procedures are performed (eg Operating Theatres, ITU/ICU, Interventional Radiology Units, Cath labs, dermatology outpatient clinics etc). The 360 Theatre Access qualification is required for those providing product support in operating theatres. The 360 Hospital Access qualification is required for those providing product support in all clinical areas in hospitals (including critical care areas such as ITU/ICU, Interventional Radiology Units, Cath labs and areas where procedures might be performed, such as dertmatology outpatients etc), but not operating theatres.

This qualification lasts for life and, in line with healthcare professionals, re-accreditation every two years is best practice. It is benchmarked to National Occupational Standards and is valid for all credentialing schemes, including IntelliCentrics and MIA.

Assessment Criteria: there are three key elements to be met for this qualification:

  • Technical Knowledge
  • Clinical Skill
  • Reflective Practice

It is assessed through three different activities:

  • Candidates will complete a comprehensive written assessment which will include the principles of Safe Practice within the relevant clinical areas
  • Candidates will complete a multiple-choice questionnaire covering all aspects of the taught Hospital/Theatre Skills unit and its pre-course reading
  • Candidates will be expected to demonstrate personal competencies required for hospital clinical areas.




Course Fee

€80 + Certificate Postage + VAT (where applicable)

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Tel: +44 (0) 141 946 6482

Address: Healthcare Skills Training International Ltd
West of Scotland Science Park
Block 7, Kelvin Campus
Glasgow G20 0SP